There have been some challenges because of the Frequency vs. Satisfaction research.

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There have been some challenges because of the Frequency vs. Satisfaction research.

There have been some challenges because of the Frequency vs. Satisfaction research.

The sample from where the info was drawn included mainly white lesbians (77%), leading to a racially homogenous pool of study participants. Another nervous about the test had been the disproportionate representation that is geographic. The majority of the sample (61%) is from the researcher’s home state, Indiana although eighty-four percent of the U.S. cities are represented in the Frequency vs. Satisfaction Survey with at least one respondent from each state. The instability in geographical representation may overemphasize the attitudes, opinions, and emotions of lesbians when you look at the Midwest, that will be commonly thought to be more conservative. This bias that is geographic skew the study outcomes.

Another concern in regards to the sampling procedure results through the method that is outreach. The survey outreach may have included a disproportionate number of lesbians who are in therapy because the research was conducted by a psychotherapist who specializes in the care of lesbian individuals and couples. And also this has got the prospective to bias the survey results, assuming that lesbians in therapy may provide with an increase of issues about their relationship than lesbians not in guidance.

A concern that is third the research pertains to the application of self-report to collect information. In a few full situations, lesbians were expected to count on their memory of the relationship which was ended as much as 6 months ago. The higher number of recall that’s needed is, the higher margin of mistake there is certainly when you look at the findings that are ultimate. Also, lesbians who had been recounting their experiences of the previous relationship may have a biased perception of this relationship according to just just how it ended. If the connection finished defectively, they might experience recall that is negative which may influence their ideas about relationship satisfaction, as well as their emotions concerning the regularity of intercourse as well as other factors explored into the Frequency vs. Satisfaction Survey.

Areas identified for future research

A few extra concerns surfaced while researching the topic of intimate regularity since it correlates with relationship satisfaction. One of many findings when you look at the Frequency vs. Satisfaction Survey, in addition to Lever’s Survey (1995), indicates that regardless of how sex that is much are receiving, they often report the desire to get more. This specific dichotomy of infrequent intercourse by lesbians who state a wish for more appears to be in the centre regarding the lesbian dilemma that is sexual. Further research may show useful in responding to this concern: what exactly is preventing lesbians whom report a desire for lots more regular intercourse from having more intercourse?

Another unanswered question that surfaced with this research is, “How does identified relationship safety impact intimate regularity in lesbian relationships?” This isn’t an interest that has been addressed within the Frequency vs. Satisfaction Survey, neither is it an interest that this researcher discovered inside her research. But, it appears that relationship protection, or even more especially, the experience of safety that one’s relationship is strong and stable, is apparently a valuable characteristic to lesbians, and something this is certainly supported by a very good connection that is emotional. This researcher theorizes the chance that the identified relationship protection for the couple that is lesbian the low the price of sexual regularity.

Areas of great interest for further research relate solely to the universality of lesbian frequency that is sexual. Just how do prices of lesbian frequency that is sexual the United States compare to many other nations, especially in more modern nations that offer legal rights and defenses for lesbian relationships? Will there be an influence that is cultural as well as a geographic impact, on intimate regularity among lesbians? Maybe research comparing lesbians from chosen bigger towns such as for example new york, nyc and l . a ., Ca could possibly be when compared with lesbians from smaller metropolitan areas within the Midwest such as for example Indianapolis, Indiana and Columbus, Ohio. The correlation of competition and frequency that is sexual lesbians normally a very important subject to explore.

This worker concludes that the step that is next the pursuit of greater understanding about lesbian sex will soon be well accomplished through qualitative research.

Probably the most accurate image of lesbian sex will probably need an in depth, longitudinal, qualitative study that tracks the nuances and characteristics of the lesbian couple’s relationship through the initial phases of courtship through the length of their relationship. This could provide for brand brand new information to area which has had maybe not yet been hypothesized, as well as lesbians to offer sound for their experiences since they are taking place, as opposed to the subjective nature included in recalling the events of one’s relationship.

What’s many clear to the researcher is the fact that sex between females is uniquely lesbian and without contrast. When juxtaposed with heterosexual or gay male relationships, lesbian sex may be out of focus, blurred in what is observed to be “normal” when in fact, lesbian sex does not have any founded standard behavior of the very very own. As research continues on lesbian sex without preconceived notions exactly how it “should” appearance or just just what it “should” entail, intriguing and discoveries that are important likely be produced. Finally, lesbian sex is valuable with its own suitable for its very own nuances. Regrettably, it is really not yet well comprehended. With time, lesbians would be prepared to determine their very own intimate wellness through greater knowledge of lesbian sex all together, and when that occurs, required progress may have been made.

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