Certainly we not hold its own, without the help of other Member States, and the involvement of the largest issuers, the United States and China.

Howto Write a Conversation
November 18, 2019
November 19, 2019
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Certainly we not hold its own, without the help of other Member States, and the involvement of the largest issuers, the United States and China.

What do you think? The fact is that western economies are more developed than ours, and the local industry some two decades looks further into the future than the standard Polish entrepreneur. What it comes from? Precisely advantage which these countries gained over many years, the amount of accumulated capital. They can afford it, to work on future technologies, to be pioneers of modern solutions. It’s a big asset to use. And no wonder.

When you have a new technology being completed, before commercialization, bring this certification, which is valid throughout the EU. And when it comes into force, these countries are the first at the finish line in the technological race. In this position can be found only the strongest. Richer countries thus benefit from its privileged position, and we pay for it. How, then, to talk about the responsibility of the EU for carbon dioxide emissions? Certainly we not hold its own, without the help of other Member States, and the involvement of the largest issuers, the United States and China. Let us not forget that the whole of the EU is responsible for ten percent of global emissions.

Will not waver from the resulting responsibilities. But they can not mean that immediately limit the electricity, gas and cease to dig in the ground. Yet this does not happen. Such are the demands of some radical green: you have to stop, go to zero growth. I do not believe it was possible. Environmentalists say it sounds like displaying a white flag.

No way. Today, when we are discussing with the European Commission about tightening environmental standards we are essentially agree on the direction in which we should go. We say only: zagwarantujcie us the way to reaching these ambitious goals. This is what the Prime Minister said at the June climate summit in Katowice. He did not odżegnał from climate goals. He noted only that Poland is ready to get involved, provided we get support for this transformation. Because as head of government can not just tell your countrymen that you have to reduce consumption in the name of environmental protection.

Many climatologists raises the alarm that disaster is coming, we can not wait any longer, because the effects of our tardiness will be tragic for future generations. Just what is the alternative? Immediately implement a policy of zero emissions? We assume that all mills suddenly disappear from the face of the Earth? This is wrong thinking. Rather smelter will be moved – not even to China, because they also already implementing increasingly stringent environmental requirements.

However, there are countries that will not have resistance to open their markets for such investments. Only if global emission balance will improve thanks to this? We, as Europe, we will have a cleaner conscience. Yes, but this is too little, because the issue did not fall. It put yourself realistic goals, to be sure, that a player reaches the finish line, not to resign during the run. So change – yes, but in moderation and responsibly?

On the one hand I’m about to deploy all possible improvements and to facilitate the development of renewable energy sources. But in parallel, make a protective package for energy-intensive industries. Long-term advocate for the reduction of emissions and to develop technologies that will help build the country’s energy security. If you do not zbilansujemy these needs, but immediately abandon fossil fuels, it can save the world, but at the same time they die. Many accused the government of that in terms of renewable energy, for example. Windmills, declares one thing, but doing something completely opposite. Small, distributed sources of renewable energy have an important place in our system.

There is no reason to resign from photovoltaics or wind farms. And the government says it outright. Why the change? Brussels pressed us? No. Let me remind you that last year we had as many as 300-percent increase in energy prices. Which is not yet jumped in themselves, but because of government policy – insisted the coal and must now pay the high cost of CO2 emission rights.

Coal would continue to be the cheapest source of power, if not load and taxes at the European level. The EU is so bad, because without it korzystalibyśmy coal cheaply and at will? No, I’m talking about facts. RES, despite the huge technological progress, further competitive mainly due to various forms of financing instruments and fiscal support, ie. Green certificates. This does not mean that we should not invest in them. On the contrary – we must do it, nobody today there is no doubt that renewable energy sources are the future.

But let us note that the cost of energy transformation in Germany, or in the case of an absolute leader in renewable sources, not encourage. Yes, sometimes days, when 100 percent. There is energy produced from renewable sources, but German industry is still very węglochłonny. It still consumes the most in the whole EU. On the other hand – if we made earlier shift towards renewables and saw their potential is now there would be the risk that we will buy green energy from the Germans. Yes, perhaps we would avoid the problem with priority to renewable energy (15 per cent. Share of renewable energy in the energy mix in 2020. – Ed.).

But it is worth remembering that we already buy energy – approx. 8 percent. our total consumption. I understand that the government now recognizes the potential of renewable energy sources. But why he has committed such negligence? What it would hurt if the roof was on each photovoltaic panel? In Poland where the carbon fetish?

I would not call it a fetish. We are carbon-based economy, not because they so wanted, but we had no choice. Moscow decided that nuclear power will be in Czechoslovakia and Hungary, and with us is to be mined coal. State raise this argument at EU level? Yes. The Minister Tchórzewski presents a very clear argument in this case. When I explained that we have suffered the transformation of energy and its already huge costs, it meets with understanding.

We show the extent to which reduced emissions with us over the last 10 years – and they are spectacular results, which are not approached by any other member of the EU. We say on the EU forum that we can not achieve the objectives posed to us, because we do not have the funding and time. Other countries have reached the present level of emissions for many years. We do not make up for this in a year or two. Some argue that we must continue to build our economy on coal, because you have to pay extra for renewable energy. Yet coal is becoming increasingly difficult available, you have to descend deeper and deeper into it, which is pushing up production costs. What’s more, it turns out that it is cheaper to import it from such exotic places as Mozambique.

But the fact that the carbon balance is not so clearly beneficial, the government has not yet said. We still believe that the costs of using coal are largely due to the financial burden imposed on the fuel by the EU to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We understand that the extraction of coal from becoming deeper layers associated with rising costs and sometimes lower calorific value. And the miners understand this? They understand. Perhaps we should send them a clear signal that we leave at the end of coal, but we have an alternative for you and plan what to do next. We already have this conversation with him.

A few months ago we started a dialogue with the leaders of the trade unions in Silesia. Draw a real prospect of departing from coal and us discuss about it. He could scarcely raises it to the media? I think that since we have to start work in the new term. We do not run away from talking about coal. Just listen to what she said Ursula von der Leyen during his opening speech at the European Parliament.

Green Deal inflected was there for all cases. Informal information we know how great battle was fought about which of the Vice-Presidents of the European Commission will be responsible for environmental protection. Subcutaneous everyone knows that it will be one of the most important areas in this term. Therefore it is of great importance that the Polish commissioner will deal with agriculture – areas very important from the perspective of climate – for example, we know. That cattle farming is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases.

I just wonder whether this view is shared by your colleagues from the government, for example. Agriculture Minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski. A few months ago at a meeting at the headquarters of the National Association of Dairy Cooperatives he said – and I quote – “never agree with the statement that cattle farming is destroying the climate, is nonsense.” I would like to know the whole context of this statement. It seems to me quite clear. But I would like to hear it in its entirety.

Please keep in mind that just because of the minister Ardanowskiego in the amendment of the Act created the possibility of creating renewable energy co-operatives precisely on farms. It is his initiative we now have the conditions for the development of biogas and photovoltaics, making the roofs of large farms can gain access to green energy. I mention just a beast, because a large part of ecologists calls to limit the intake of meat, because its production is catastrophic for the climate. Besides a list of the environmental restrictions, obligations and recommendations will be longer: we have to be vegetarian, with cars change to the bike, carefully segregate each waste. Do people who constantly hear that in order to save the planet, they have to change their whole lives, they begin to rebel in the end? Here you can help us conservative ideas. We live in a time of enormous excess, but also disparities: some people overeat, others are starving.

I’m not an advocate of absolutist approach. It did not come out – we know what they looked like the times of Prohibition in the United States. Here you need to change your lifestyle. Which not everyone wants. Probably even the majority. Only it is easier to change the style of life, he stands for the right education.

Let me give an example: even burning wood in the fireplace is – although many people may not know this – harmful to health. Then emitted harmful substances, which clearly confirmed by the study. The inhabitants of Cracow are aware of this. Since September there spaces non-smoking with wood and coal, which was adopted by resolution of the city council two years ago. Durable then fierce debate, because a lot of people got themselves in their homes fireplaces and imagined, that they will have to give them up. But the law comes into force and residents understand that they must adapt.

Today, support for the antysmogowych in Krakow is greater than ever before. Magazine 27.09.19 DGP Source: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna But not all agree to such concessions. Many see this as excessive interference in privacy and freedom. They say: I am aware of the negative impact of burning on both my health and for my neighbors. But I want to use my fireplace and officials who are to prohibit this to me. I accept the principle that my freedom can not make the neighbor behind the wall died from asthma.

A continuous exposure to smog can produce such an effect. These causal relationships are becoming more prominent. Living in a society, we have to accept the fact that our freedom is limited freedom of another entity. One might, however, argue that it limits the freedom of ecology. And while no one imagines storage of garbage in his renovated apartment.

Equally unacceptable abandonment should be black bags in the forest, where my neighbor comes with a child for a walk. I think we’re still working through our heritage even before 1989., When the concept of ownership virtually did not exist, because everything was nobody’s and could at any time be taken away. Then the forest was also not mine. He was a stranger. Similarly staircase – could not be mine, even if I did not have ownership of the apartment. What, then, and in the name of what do I care?

Then he destroyed the system of care for the community. The idea of ​​the certificate is OK SENIOR indication of those companies for which a high standard of customer service is important seigniorial. OK Senior Quality Mark is part of the most important strategies for the senior policy and silver Polish economy and the countries of the pay someone to do assignment European Union. In March of this year. The National Institute of the senior OK SENIOR presented at the European Commission as the first certification system for products and services for the elderly in Europie.- results of the audit conducted in Orange confirmed that a dedicated helpline for seniors meets the quality standards that is OK SENIOR safe, responds to the real needs of the elderly and protects against fraud, is user friendly, understandable and easily accessible – Marzena says Rudnick, President of the National Institute of Economic Senioralnej.Około 15 percent. our clients are elderly – over 70 years of age, for whom modern technology is not always as intuitive and simple as for young people.

In order to better take care of this group of customers, we have introduced a lot of facilities that they can use in customer service – says Jolanta Dudek Member of the Board. Customer Service Strategy and Customer Relations, Orange Polska.Ułatwienia for Seniors in Orange Poland is automatically shortened menu hotline to a minimum, as soon as possible to connect with a dedicated advisor who, even the most difficult technical issues, explain in plain and intelligible language. The conversation with him can last as long as is necessary for settlement. In addition, all letters addressed to customers seniors are printed enlarged font. See also: Auctions LTE larger operators will be able to more »We decided to audit to confirm that our services are provided to customers seniors at the highest level. We are pleased that our efforts have been recognized by the independent auditors of the senior National Institute of Economy – adds Jolanta Dudek.Jak according to data from the Central Statistical Office, the share of people aged over 60 in the total value of purchases made by Polish households in 2015 was up 30 percent, and the purchasing power of Polish pensioner portfolio of over 121 billion per year in the country. CSO estimates that in twenty years, more than 10 million Poles will be after the age of 60, which will represent more than 27 percent. population.

This translates into the potential that brings the senior management and services for the elderly population, society will develop dynamically. Orange is an example of a company that saw the needs of seniors and opened a new chapter defining the market of goods and services, enabling customers to identify this group of good usługi.- Demographic projections clearly show that the population is aging. Consequently, also the market – the company realize that the services market offers prepared and designed for senior citizens in Poland is worth billions of dollars.

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